piece of ground

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  1. The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Master Fox.
  2. He had plowed up quite a piece of ground before anyone noticed him.
  3. But we had developed so many things on a piece of ground. The architecture for example. There are some very bad pieces that will be taken apart sooner or later. What a waste of environment resources and money into it.
  4. A young jararaca snake lies coiled on a mossy piece of ground in the Brazilian rain forest.
  5. But as soon as he opened his mouth, the piece of meat dropped to the ground.
  6. In their ignorance of this principle, the advocates of desperate action will contest a city or a piece of ground even when the position is obviously and definitely unfavourable; as a result, they not only lose the city or ground but fail to preserve their forces.
  7. Now I look at this yard and found that hospital Kok how there is not pleasing to the eye, because that piece of stone, patrol a pile of weeds, such as a piece of grass on the ground scar.
  8. We need a level piece of ground to play football on.
  9. And the Philistines were gathered together into a troop, where was a piece of ground full of lentiles: and the people fled from the Philistines.
  10. No longer bound to one particular piece of ground by the earth that they farmed, people could move about and learn more about what was happening both in their own societies and those nearby.
  11. We levelled the piece of ground so that we could play football on it.
  12. But in his dedicated work, I do not know is his negligence, or the windows are too old, a piece of glass fell to the ground," Wow "out of the broken-wide.
  13. My first piece of work was to find out a proper piece of ground.
  14. When the headmistress pointed to the piece of garbage on the ground, the student would blush profusely, hasten to pick up the garbage and meekly run off.
  15. During the earth tremor a large piece of rock chopped out of the ground.
  16. A snipe flew over and saw a piece of red meat on the ground, so it dived to the ground and pecked at the clam.
  17. A less common sight was two blacksmiths with a portable, coal-fired forge on a piece of open ground, beating out scrap iron into meat-cleavers.
  18. "What would happen if a piece of cotton string fell onto the ground?" the Cat asked.
  19. They railed in a piece of ground for an experiment plot.
  20. A piece of waterproofed cloth spread on the ground ( as under a tent) to protect from moisture.
  21. There is also a piece of ground where we have planted vegetables so that we needn't buy them from the market.
  22. A piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential.
  23. Karen: Yeah, you. I just saw you throw a piece of garbage on the ground.
  24. ( of a piece of ground) not have a crop sown on it.
  25. This was a great Undertaking for one Pair of Hands, yet as I saw there was an absolute Necessity of doing it, my first Piece of Work was to find out a proper Piece of Ground, viz.
  26. ANVIL: A small piece of ground and lapped steel attached to the frame of a micrometer; serves as a flat, fixed point from which measurements can be taken.
  27. This piece of ground is flat enough.
  28. The place was not fenced properly: the role of warning protection was played by the two-meter piece of a striped tape lying on the ground.
  29. If, for example, we observe a piece of ground, three acres large, that circumstance is its quantitative limit.
  30. Discharge current of the electrode with a whole piece of metal as its ground is much higher than that of the electrode with a pectinated ground.